Education 2.0 Conference Outstanding Leadership Award 受賞!!
2023年6月19日から21日までドバイで開催されたEducation Conference 2.0。夏至の6月21日に授賞式が行われました。
受賞は、Education2.0審査委員会により、認知度、実績、経験、卓越した創造性、決断力のあるリーダーシップ の5項目が総合的に評価された結果と伺いました。
中国留学中の2000年に日中の舞台芸術交流のために設立した任意団体R production。
昨年2022年に、JETROの高度外国人材活躍推進プラットフォーム事業 高度外国人材スペシャリスト業務を受託するに当たり、法人化いたしました。

I am honored to announce that I am the recipient of the Education 2.0 Conference Outstanding Leadership Award as a Foreign Professional Integration Consultant.
Education Conference 2.0 was held in Dubai from June 19 to 21, 2023, and the award ceremony was held on June 21, the summer solstice.
Education2.0 is a conference that brings together educators from around the world who are taking pioneering initiatives.
The award was given by the Education 2.0 judging panel based on an overall evaluation of five criteria: recognition, achievement, experience, outstanding creativity, and decisive leadership.
R production is an organization established in 2000 while studying in China for performing arts exchange between Japan and China.
Last year, I incorporated as a corporation when I am commissioned to work as a highly-skilled foreign professionals specialist for JETRO(Japan External Trade Organization)’s highly-skilled foreign professionals Project.
I am very honored to have received recognition not only for the training I am currently providing for highly skilled foreign professionals, mainly engineers and project managers, but also for my projects with China since 2000, as well as the training for new employees and management training for Japanese managers. My current training program is only possible because of the experience I gained during those years.
In order for highly skilled foreign professionals to work with Japanese, it is necessary for them to understand not only the so-called “Japanese language” but also various other factors.
Japanese values
Japanese business customs
Workplace rules and manners
Business Communication Style
Developing Career Awareness
Cross-Cultural Comprehension Skills
Basic skills for working adults
and Japanese language skills such as grammar and pronunciation.
I will continue to refine my training programs that integrate these skills.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have supported us to this point.
I am also grateful for the many changemakers in the field of education that I have met through this conference.
Looking forward to continuing to walk with you in the future.
Please accept my best regards!